

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Divas Can Cook Grandma's Homemade Yeast Rolls

Total Time: 3 hrs 42 mins Preparation Time: 3 hrs 30 mins Cook Time: 12 mins


  • 3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, divided
  • 1/4 ounce active dry yeast (rapid rise)
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 1/4-1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter flavor shortening
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • butter (for dipping the rolls)


  • 1 in a large bowl, add 1 1/4 cups flour.
  • 2 add in the yeast and whisk until combined. set aside.
  • 3 in a saucepan over medium heat, add milk, sugar, and shortening.
  • 4 stir constantly until shortening has melted. do not boil.(check the back of your yeast package to see how hot the liquid needs to be in order to activate the yeast. it is usually between 115-130 degrees f. use a cooking thermometer).
  • 5 when the liquid reaches the recommended temperature, pour it into the flour mixture.
  • 6 add in the egg.
  • 7 beat on low speed for 1 minute and then on high speed for 3 minutes.
  • 8 add in the salt and the remaining flour (2 cups).
  • 9 use your hands or a rubber spatula to incorporate the rest of the flour until a soft dough forms.
  • 10 grease a plastic bowl with vegetable oil and place the ball of dough into the bowl.
  • 11 cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
  • 12 remove from the refrigerator and punch down the dough with your fist to release the air.
  • 13 spread a thin layer of melted butter on the bottom of a 9x13 pan.
  • 14 take chunks of the dough and form it into desired shape.
  • 15 dip the dough in a bowl of melted butter and place it in the pan.
  • 16 repeat with the remaining dough. keep the rolls close together.
  • 17 cover the pan with a thin kitchen towel and let sit in a warm place for at least 1 -1 1/2 hours. the rolls will double in size.
  • 18 bake for 10-14 minutes or until golden.
  • 19 brush them with honey butter or herb butter if desired.

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